A document circulated on social media said the Police Department made a list of suggestions for regulating street performing. The suggestions included making a new ordinance, redefining street performing and requiring a permit for a small fee that included a background check.
“It scared people,” Asheville musician Andrew Fletcher said. “It scared people who moved here because they busk during the day and work at night or vice versa.”
“If the APD suggestions go through as is, it’ll totally wipe out what’s going on here.”
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Fletcher said the discussion this week has caused street musicians to rally together in a way he hasn’t seen. He expects a strong presence Monday when the city staff presentation is made at the Public Safety Committee meeting. Now that the busking community is aware of the conversation, it may lead to positive change for the performers, Fletcher said.
“I think we’re going to be able to make lemonade out of lemons and everyone’s going to be able to benefit from this,” he said.